Conditions Générales de Vente
Last updated: July 23, 2024
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter referred to as “GCS”), apply to all services (hereinafter referred to as “Service(s)”) of delivering of food and drink (hereinafter referred to as “Products”) and more generally to all Products ordered on the website (hereinafter “the Site”) operated by GOURMET 73, a French “ société à responsabilité limitée” with a share capital of € 1.000,00, having its registered office located at 38 Rue Célestin Freppaz 73700 FRANCE and incorporated at the Trade and Companies Registry of CHAMBERY under number 933 612 137 (hereinafter referred to as “GOURMET 73”), ordered by any non-professional purchaser (hereinafter referred to as “the Customer) who agrees to them and who acknowledges full knowledge thereof and therefore waives the right to invoke any contradictory document.
The Customer agrees that GOURMET 73 may modify these terms and conditions at a later date and that their relationship will always be governed by the latest conditions mentioned in the Site in effect on the day of the order.
Aucun document autre que celui-ci ne peut créer d'obligations pour les parties ou y déroger s'il n'a fait l'objet d'un écrit signé par les parties.
The GCS are accessible at all times on the Site and will prevail, as the case may be, on any other prior version or any other contradictory document. The Client has the right to request that the GCS be sent to him by GOURMET 73 by e-mail. The GCS may also be saved, edited or copied by the Customer, it being understood that the safeguarding, editing or copying of this document are his/her sole responsibility, as these GCS may be subject to modifications.
Le Client reconnaît avoir été informé, avant la validation de sa commande :
- des caractéristiques essentielles des Produits ou Services;
- du prix des Produits, Services et dépenses liées ;
- la date de livraison du Produit ;
- information relating to the identity of GOURMET 73,
- the General Conditions of Sale including the legal warranties and responsibility of GOURMET 73
- du fait que passer une commande sur le Site implique une acceptation complète de ces CVG et une obligation de payer pour le service commandé, ce qui est expressément reconnu par le Client.
Il appartient au Client de sélectionner sur le Site les Produits qu'il souhaite commander, selon les modalités suivantes :
2.1. Navigation sur le Site
The Client may take cognisance of the various Products offered for sale by GOURMET 73’s supplier on his Site. The Customer may browse freely on the various pages of the Site, without being committed to an order.
2.2 Enregistrer une Commande
Si le Client souhaite passer commande, il choisira les différents Produits qui l’intéressent, et manifestera cet intérêt en cliquant sur “Acheter maintenant”.
Sur le site, le client peut à tout moment :
- choisir un ou plusieurs types de Produits proposés en cliquant sur “Repas”, “Boissons" ou “Pack de bienvenue”
- obtenir les détails des Produits qu’il a sélectionné en cliquant sur l’image/lien du produit,
- poursuivre sa sélection de Produits en cliquant sur une autre image/lien produit,
- compléter sa sélection de Produits et commander ces Produits en cliquant sur “Commander”.
Pour commander les Produits qu'il a choisis, après avoir cliqué sur “Commander”, le Client doit s'identifier en cliquant sur "se connecter/s'inscrire", soit en saisissant son adresse e-mail et son mot de passe confidentiel puis en cliquant sur "se connecter", s'il a déjà créé son compte, soit en cliquant sur « s'inscrire ». Dans ce cas, le Client doit remplir avec exactitude le formulaire qui lui est fourni, indiquant les informations nécessaires à son identification, notamment ses nom, prénom et adresse postale. Le Client devra également fournir son adresse e-mail et un mot de passe de son choix qui seront personnels et confidentiels et dont il aura besoin pour s'identifier ultérieurement sur le Site. Le Client est informé et accepte que ces deux identifiants vaillent preuve de son identité et de son consentement.
Once the Customer has been identified, he/she will have to choose (i) either to “click and collect” the Products ordered at one of the address of GOURMET 73 depot mentioned in the Site (ii) or to have it delivered at an address located amongst the various ski resorts mentioned in the Site.
If the Customer chooses to have the Products delivered at an address of his choice amongst the various ski resort proposed in the Site, he/she has to mention the delivery address and to choose, amongst the propositions mentioned in the Site the delivery day and delivery hour and will also have to choose if he/she wants a Premium Delivery” or not or if he is absent when the GOURMET 73’s deliverer arrives if he wants the Products to be delivered to a close neighbour (subject to the conditions here after mentioned in the paragraph “DELIVERY”). An order form will appear on the screen, detailing in particular: the nature, quantity and price of the Products retained by the Customer, as well as the total amount of the order, the Customer’s contact details, the day and approximate hour for delivery of the Products and delivery address of the Products.
Le Client pourra corriger d'éventuelles erreurs avant de valider sa commande. Si c’est le cas, un nouveau bon de commande sera automatiquement édité.
Les clients passant des commandes doivent être âgés de 18 ans révolu. En passant une Commande comprenant de l'alcool, le Client confirme être âgé d'au moins 18 ans. Les boissons alcoolisées ne peuvent être vendues et livrées qu'aux personnes âgées de 18 ans ou plus.
2.3 Validation de la Commande
Après avoir pris connaissance du bon de commande, et une fois toutes les informations demandées complétées par le Client, le Client cochera la case d'acceptation des présentes Conditions Générales de Vente et cliquera sur “Valider la commande”. La validation de la commande comporte la mention “commande avec obligation de paiement”.
This second click constitutes an electronic signature. This signature has value and commits the Customer in the same way as a handwritten signature. The order form will be registered in GOURMET 73’s computer registers, which are kept on a reliable and durable basis and will be considered as proof of the Client’s commitment.
The Client may choose the method of payment he wishes from among those offered by GOURMET 73 and will proceed to the payment of the Products under the conditions of Article 6.
2.4. Résumé de la Commande
Once he has validated his method of payment on the Site (if necessary with the provision of his card number and the expiry date), a summary of the Customer’s order will be displayed, including the transaction number. The sale will be considered as definitive only after the display of the order summary by GOURMET 73, which is acknowledgment of receipt of the order. An email will then be sent to the Customer summarising the order at the time of its registration.
2.5. Informations générales
Unless proved otherwise, the data recorded by GOURMET 73 constitute proof of all the transactions.
In any case, GOURMET 73 reserves the right to refuse any order or delivery in case of (i) litigation existing with the Customer, (ii) total or partial non-payment of a previous order by the Customer, (Iii) refusal of authorisation to pay by credit card of the banking organisations. The liability of GOURMET 73 can not be incurred.
2.6. Suivi de la Commande
The Customer may at any time consult the status of his order by consulting the “My Orders” section. This monitoring allows the Client to know the state of processing of his order, but also the state of dispatch or delivery of his parcels. The Customer may at any time contact GOURMET 73 Customer Service in order to be informed of the follow-up of his order (Contact:
2.7. Annuler une Commande
Une fois la commande validée, le Client ne peut plus l'annuler ou la modifier. Toutefois, le Client peut essayer de contacter le Service Client (à l’adresse afin de savoir si il est possible ou non de modifier sa commande.
The offers of Products offered on the Site are valid only within the limit of the available stocks. Availability may vary in the same day depending on the level of sales recorded by GOURMET 73 and on the availability of the Products from the Products suppliers’. GOURMET 73 makes a very frequent updating of the site on the Site, but it can not be held responsible if the stock is not identical to that indicated on the Site.
In the event of unavailability of the Product after the order is placed by the Customer, GOURMET 73 will not charge the unavailable Products to the Customer and GOURMET 73 can not be held responsible for the non-performance of the order in case of stock shortage or unavailability of the Product, so that no compensation can also be requested from GOURMET 73 by the Customer in case of unavailability of any of the Products ordered.
Sauf décision contraire, les Produits sont livrés au Client au lieu indiqué dans le bon de commande accepté conformément aux dispositions de l'article 2.
The Customer or any other person receiving the Products ordered will be asked to provide proof of age to show that they are aged 18 or over. GOURMET 73 will refuse to deliver any alcohol to any person who does not appear, or cannot prove that his is aged 18 or over. GOURMET 73 will refuse to deliver any alcohol to any person who does not appear, or cannot prove that his is aged 18 or over.
4.1. Livraison à l’adresse choisie par le Client
Lors de la commande des Produits telle que mentionnée dans l'article 2, le Client peut choisir de se faire livrer les Produits à une adresse de son choix parmi les stations de ski mentionnées dans le Site (ci-après défini comme le “Territoire”).
GOURMET 73 does not deliver Products outside of the Territory.
The signature of the receipt by a person present at the address when GOURMET 73’s deliverer arrives at the address of delivery shall be considered as a delivery and GOURMET 73’s deliverer shall have no obligation to check the identity of the persons signing the receipt of delivery. If nobody is here when GOURMET 73’s deliverer arrives, GOURMET 73 shall attempt to contact the Customer prior to GOURMET 73’s deliverer leaving a delivery in front of the door, but can’t guarantee that the deliverer shall be able to get hold of the Customer. GOURMET 73 reserves the right to restrict deliveries in certain areas and this includes the right to withdraw the Service(s) altogether, depending on the demand of GOURMET 73’s supplier.
If the Customers requires, when ordering, to have the Products delivered at a neighbour, its means it is within short walking distance of the Customer’s delivering address mentioned in the order and does not involve the courier travelling any further. Where a Premium Delivery service (before 10am, before 12pm) is chosen by the Customer when placing the Order, the Customer’s order shall be prioritised and GOURMET 73 shall endeavour to deliver the Products by this time. However due to circumstances beyond GOURMET 73’s control such as weather and traffic conditions GOURMET 73 may not always be able to deliver by the time specified. In this situation GOURMET 73 shall try to deliver later in the day and will refund the extra paid for the Premium Delivery service.
The liability of GOURMET 73 can not be incurred in particular due to a subsequent change of address of the Customer that would not have been notified to him or an error in the details of the Client communicated by the latter.
GOURMET 73 will do its best to make sure the order is delivered on time and that all of the Products are available, but GOURMET 73 can’t be liable for any part of the order being out of stock. Wherever possible GOURMET 73 will contact the Customer in advance to let him/her know if anything’s missing or will be delayed. Missing Products will be refunded, or may be swapped for an alternative item(s) of the same price and same quality/quantity.
Please be aware that the products we deliver are frozen and that it is your responsibility to ensure there is ample space in freezers or refrigerators for the delivery. The GOURMET 73 delivery fee covers 2 deliveries to your accommodation during your stay for a 6 day menu. Any additional deliveries will be charged to you at the rate for your delivery area.
4.2. Adresse de livraison “click & collect”
Lorsque le Client choisit l'option « click & collect », il choisit de retirer les Produits à l'une des adresses mentionnées sur le Site et pendant la plage horaire mentionnée sur le Site.
GOURMET 73 will do its best to make sure the order is ready on time and that all of the Products are available, but GOURMET 73 can’t be liable for any loss, costs or damage caused by a delay to the Customer’s collection, or for any part of the order being out of stock. Wherever possible GOURMET 73 will contact the Customer in advance to let him/her know if anything’s missing or will be delayed. Missing Products will be refunded, or may be swapped for an alternative item(s) of the same price and same quality/quantity.
Si le Client souhaite que quelqu'un encaisse en son nom, le Client doit soit indiquer le nom de ce tiers lors de la commande des Produits, soit transmettre à ce tiers l'e-mail ou le SMS de confirmation de commande.
GOURMET 73 shall not be responsible if the Customers arrives late, outside of the time window mentioned or does not collect the Products. In these cases, the Products shall be charged to the Customer even if the Customer did not collect the Products on due time.
4.3. Dispositions courantes
If the Products ordered have not been delivered (or are not available at GOURMET 73’s “click & collect” address) on the indicative date of delivery mentioned in the confirmation order, for any cause other than force majeure, the sale may be resolved at the Customer’s written request if, after having instructed GOURMET 73 to effect the delivery in a reasonable time, the latter did not take place within that period. The sums paid by the Client will then be returned to him by bank transfer within a maximum period of 14 days, excluding any compensation or withholding.
Sauf cas particulier ou indisponibilité d'un ou plusieurs Produits, les Produits commandés seront livrés en une seule fois.
5. Tarifs
5.1 The Products are marketed at the rates in force on the Site, when the order is registered by GOURMET 73.
Les prix sont TTC en Euros. Ils ne comprennent pas les frais de livraison, qui sont facturés, le cas échéant, en supplément sur la base du tarif applicable au jour de la commande et qui sont communiqués au Client avant la passation de la commande. Ces frais de livraison sont mentionnés sur le Site une fois que le Client a choisi son lieu de livraison et avant validation de la commande.
GOURMET 73 reserves the right to modify its rates at any time.
The price indicated in the order form published by GOURMET 73 is the definitive price and includes the costs of transport and delivery.
5.2 The payment itself will only be considered executed after the actual collection of the funds by GOURMET 73.
An invoice is issued by GOURMET 73 and delivered to the Customer upon delivery of the Products ordered.
GOURMET 73 will not be obliged to carry out the delivery of the Products ordered by the Customer if the latter does not pay the price in full in the conditions and above indicated.
5.3 GOURMET 73’s Products promotions are available to all and accessible from the homepage. These promotions will automatically be applied when the Customer add the corresponding Products into its basket.
Other Voucher codes or promotions have to be mentioned in the corresponding box before confirming the order to be applicable. GOURMET 73 reserves the right to refuse voucher codes or promotion which have not been used properly, or used after there expiry date.
Les codes de bons ou les promotions ne sont valables que pendant la période mentionnée dans le bon ou les promotions correspondantes et peuvent être soumis à d'autres conditions (telles qu'un minimum de quantité de Produits commandés, un minimum de montant commandé,…). Ces conditions sont mentionnées dans le bon correspondant ou sur le Site où les promotions sont mentionnées.
Voucher codes are personal and can be used only by the person receiving them. GOURMET 73’s reserves the right to refuse the fraudulent use of voucher codes (use by other persons, several use of a voucher which can only be used once…).
6.1 Le prix est payable comptant, en totalité au jour de la passation de la commande par le Client, par paiement sécurisé, par carte bancaire (les cartes acceptées sont la Carte Bleue, Visa, Mastercard). Le Client cliquera sur le mode de paiement choisi.
The Client must transmit the name of the cardholder, the bank card number, according to the type of card, the expiry date of the card and the cryptogram number (3-digit number on the back of the card banking). The Client will be automatically switched to the electronic banking server of GOURMET 73’s bank. The bank’s server is secured by its electronic payment terminal in order to protect as efficiently as possible all the data related to the means of payment. The Customer acknowledges that at no time will his banking data pass through the computer system of GOURMET 73, who can not therefore be held liable in the event of fraudulent subtraction of the Customer’s bank data.
La transaction est immédiatement débitée sur la carte bancaire du Client après vérification des données du Client. Dans le cas où le débit du prix serait impossible, la commande du client sera annulée.
6.2. Toute somme non payée à son échéance produira de plein droit des intérêts de retard correspondant à trois fois le taux d'intérêt légal et rendra exigible une indemnité de 40 € pour frais de recouvrement. Ces intérêts sont dus jusqu'au jour du paiement de la somme due, intérêts compris.
If the Customer is unsatisfied with any of the Products ordered or any part of the delivery service from GOURMET 73, he/she shall please contact GOURMET 73 by emailing GOURMET 73 via the Contact Us page of the Site. If the Customer would like to make a comment or recommendation regarding our food, the Customer can visit the Contact Us page of the website and select “Comment about our food”.
As GOURMET 73 sells perishable goods, the Customer has to inspect the Products once he/she has opened the box.
GOURMET 73 will exchange or refund any item the Customer’s feel does not the quality standards, or any item that has been damaged in transit. If GOURMET 73 has delivered an incorrect item, the Customer has to notify as soon as possible and within a maximum period of 2 days from the delivery of the Products. If the Customer would like GOURMET 73 to replace the incorrect item with the item ordered, GOURMET 73 shall send the Customer the correct one as soon as possible with no additional cost.
8.1 Les Produits vendus sur le Site sont conformes à la loi française et ont des performances compatibles avec des usages non professionnels.
8.2 The Products supplied by GOURMET 73 shall be entitled, without any additional payment, to:
- la garantie légale de conformité des Produits apparemment défectueux, endommagés ou qui ne correspondent pas à la commande,
- la garantie légale prévue dans les CGV contre les vices cachés provenant d’un défaut des matières premières, de la conception ou de la préparation ; les rendant impropres à la consommation.
Il est rappelé que dans le cadre de la garantie légale de conformité au droit français, le Client :
– has a period of two years from the issuance of the property to act against GOURMET 73 at the following address: GOURMET 73 , 38 Rue Célestin Freppaz 73700 FRANCE;
- peut choisir entre la réparation ou le remplacement du Produit commandé, sous réserve des conditions de coût prévues à l'article L 217-9 du Code de la consommation ;
- est dispensé de rapporter la preuve du défaut de conformité du Produit pendant les 24 mois suivant la délivrance du Produit.
La garantie légale de conformité s'applique indépendamment de toute garantie commerciale consentie.
Le Client peut décider de mettre en œuvre la garantie contre les vices cachés Produit conformément à l'article 1641 du « Code civil » français ; Dans ce cas, il peut choisir entre la résolution de la vente ou une réduction du prix de vente conformément à l'article 1644 du Code civil.
8.3 In order to assert its rights, the Customer must, within a maximum period of 2 days from the delivery of the Products, inform GOURMET 73, in writing to the address mentioned in section 8.2, of the non-conformity of the Products or the existence of defects hidden within the deadlines or return the defective Products in the state in which they were received with all the items (accessories, packaging, instructions …).
8.4 In the cases mentioned in this article 8, GOURMET 73 shall refund, replace or cause to be repaired the Products or parts under warranty found to be invalid or defective.
Refunds of Products deemed to be non-conforming or defective will be made as soon as possible and no later than in the 8 days following GOURMET 73’s finding of the lack of conformity or of the hidden defect.
Le remboursement s'effectuera par crédit sur le compte bancaire du Client ou par chèque bancaire adressé au Client.
8.5 GOURMET 73’s guarantee is, in any case, limited to the replacement or the reimbursement of the Products that are not in conformity or have a defect.
8.6 Toute garantie est exclue en cas d'utilisation ou de stockage de produits non conformes aux dispositions de l'étiquette apposée sur les Produits.
8.7 The photographs and illustrations accompanying the Products on the Site have no contractual value and therefore can not engage the responsibility of GOURMET 73.
8.8 GOURMET 73 will not be considered responsible or failing if it provides proof that the delay or non-performance is due to the occurrence of a case of force majeure or is attributable to the Customer.
GOURMET 73 pointed out that non-emancipated minors are unable to contract.
Le Client s'engage à conserver les Produits conformément à l'étiquette qui y est apposée.
10.1. It is recalled that the personal data which are requested from the Customer are necessary for the processing of his order. This information is strictly confidential and is only intended for GOURMET 73.
In accordance with the French and European regulations in force, the Customer has the right to permanent access, modification, correction, deletion and opposition concerning the information concerning him by writing to the following address: GOURMET 73 , 38 Rue Célestin Freppaz 73700 FRANCE, or through the “contact” section on the Site.
The personal data of the Customer may be used for the purposes of commercial prospecting by electronic means, by GOURMET 73 or by its partner companies, subject to obtaining the prior agreement and express of the Customer by means of tick boxes on the form Customer identification.
10.2. After obtaining the Customer’s consent, GOURMET 73 collects information relating to the Customer by means of cookies enabling the Customer’s navigation to be tracked within the Site. Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers transferred to the hard disk of the Customer’s computer via its Internet browser and which enable GOURMET 73 to recognise this browser and thus offer the Client more innovative and attractive features.
Le Client peut également configurer son ordinateur pour s'opposer à l'enregistrement de cookies. Pour en savoir plus sur les cookies, cliquez sur l'onglet Configuration.
The contents of the Site are the property of GOURMET 73 and its partners as well as the intellectual property rights on the Products ordered, and in particular the marks which are affixed thereto, which are protected by French and international laws relating to intellectual property.
Toute reproduction totale ou partielle de ce contenu est strictement interdite et est susceptible de constituer un délit de contrefaçon.
12.1. En cas de litige, une solution amiable sera recherchée entre les parties.
Le Client est informé de la possibilité de recourir, en cas de litige, à une procédure de médiation conventionnelle ou à tout autre mode alternatif de règlement des différends. A défaut d'accord dans un délai de deux mois à compter de la notification du litige à l'autre partie, tous les litiges auxquels le présent contrat pourrait donner lieu, concernant sa validité, son interprétation, son exécution, sa résiliation, ses conséquences et leurs conséquences seront soumis aux tribunaux compétents. dans des conditions ordinaires.
12.2. Toutes les clauses des présentes conditions générales ainsi que toutes les opérations commerciales qui y sont visées sont soumises au droit français.
12.3 Les présentes CGV sont rédigées en français et en anglais mais seul le texte français fera foi en cas de litige.
Si vous avez la moindre questions au sujet de ces conditions, merci de nous contacter. contactez-nous.
Operating Company: GOURMET 73 SARL
38 Rue Célestin Freppaz 73700 FRANCE
Kbis: 933 612 137 R.C.S. Chambery
Date d’immatriculation: 01/10/2024
Activites Principal:
Chef à domicile. Préparation et livraison de repas et boissons. Achat et revente de repas.
UK Parent Company: Marchmont Holdings Ltd
34 Lancaster Park, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6AD, UK
Numéro d’entreprise : 10258025 / Enregistré en Angleterre et au Pays de Galle